About Us at Katy Counseling for Men: Katy, Tx & Houston
Building Stronger Futures Together

My Story:
The Driver Behind Starting Katy Counseling for Men
There I am, standing up, frozen in front of the CEO, his C-Suite Executives, the Chairman of the Board, the other Board members, and other Senior Leadership team members. After the 3rd word that came out of my mouth in my presentation, my brain locked. No matter how hard I tried, I could not speak.
An intense feeling of dread hit me and I wanted to bolt -- But I couldn't! My heart started pounding. I started to shake, sweat, and stammer. It was not awesome!
This was my first panic attack. As a therapist, you would imagine that I might see a counselor for men to figure out what happened. But I'm a MALE therapist. Of course, I just sucked it up and went on doing public speaking. I had a job to do, a family to support, goals to reach, and I thought that I could manage it on my 0wn.
After two more times where I froze in front of my audiences while speaking, I finally decided it was time to meet with a men's counselor. And I after meeting briefly with two other therapists, I finally found one that specialized in men's counseling and panic attacks. This therapist not only helped with my panic attacks, she helped change my life!
Two years after my first panic attack, I was promoted in the same company from Executive Director to Regional Executive Director. I lend my expertise by way of coaching to residential treatment centers across the country. I also started in private practice and 10 months later opened my first group practice, Katy Teen & Family Counseling.
Panic attacks set off a chain of events that motivated this man, who could figure things out on his own, who "didn't have time" to see a therapist, see a therapist for men. And working with a therapist helped me to overcome some of the challenges in my inner world to help me be more successful in my outer world.
Seeing a counselor for men removed the barriers to my happiness, success, and overall life satisfaction. Once the barriers were removed, I could access the potential that was always there, just not accessible with panic attacks on board.
We have therapists who specialize in men's counseling to help increase the chances of a good fit and successful outcome.
And being a therapist, I want to help motivate other men who may be struggling to opt in to seeing a counselor for men. Therapy for men can change your life!

What came out of the experience above was an understanding of the challenge men can face in finding the right therapist and as a result, being successful in therapy.
I want my outcome in therapy to be your experience. We hire therapists who, through their education and experience, specialize in counseling for men.
There are generalist practices. Those therapists work with men but also work equally with women, children, teenagers, seniors, etc. Our therapists for men have their primary focus on counseling men.
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), has the numbers. The percentages below reflect men in the United States who struggle with an emotional and/or behavioral challenge(s):
30.6% of men between the ages of 18-25,
25.3% of men ages 26-49, and
14.5% ages 50 and above.
And when we look at the numbers of men who seek out a counselor for men, only 37.4% see a therapist for men.
Men, whether it's panic attacks, social anxiety, performance anxiety, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, depression, ADHD/ADD, imposter syndrome, perfectionism, unhealthy habits, problems in your marriage or as a couple, there is hope.
Hope not only to overcome those challenges but by doing so, the rest of your life will be greatly enhanced:
The stress and pressures you experience won't carry the same weight as it did before.
The roadblocks in your drive to compete and be successful can be removed.
Fear, worry, and anxiety can take a back seat to confidence, surety, and optimism.
Thoughts of "not wanting to be around any longer", death, or suicide can disappear.
You can sleep better at night and wake up looking forward to the day.
Your relationship with your wife or partner can be great again.
You can feel like you are the dad that you want to be for your kids.
At Katy Counseling for Men, we are committed and dedicated to helping men in the Katy, Tx and the Houston area overcome the obstacles in their life. We are therapists who have a passion for and the experience in helping men.
I would invite you to meet the team below. Don't wait, start today in your journey in building a stronger future!